Maya camera animation
Maya camera animation

maya camera animation

Fetch – Source tab – Channels: focal aperture Export – Export tab – Channels: t r focal aperture Export – Export tab – Node: /obj/RENDERCAM Export – Export tab – Path: t r focal aperture If I then click on the export flag it Exports all the correct information to the RENDERCAM. Object - Object tab - Compute: Position and Rotation Object - Channel tab – Channel Range: Use Full Animation Range Fetch – Source tab – Node: shape of the imported alembic camera.

maya camera animation maya camera animation

Then inside the CHOP network I set the following settings: Object - Object tab - Object (Import) - Target Object = shape of the imported alembic camera. I create an camera in /obj and name it RENDERCAM. I create a CHOP network and inside I create: Object (Import), Fetch, Merge and Export nodes. I add a Null to the Alembic Archive and change the Uniform Scale to 0.01. Manually I take the following steps: - File > Import > Alembic Scene > Select the exported alembic camera from Maya. Hey there! I’m having a small problem with creating an HDA to automatically import an animated camera from Maya.

Maya camera animation